Digital Transformation in Context of EA

If we are working or planning to work on Digital Transformation its important to understand few definitions

Digital Enterprise : An enterprise characterized by: 1. creation of digitalized products or services that are either delivered fully digitally (e.g., digital media or online banking), or 2. where physical products and services are obtained by the customer by digital means (e.g., online car-sharing services).

Digitization : The conversion of analog information into digital form.

Digitalization : The application of digital technology to create additional business value within the primary value chain of enterprises.

Digital Transformation : The radical, fundamental change towards becoming a digital enterprise.

Digitization can be implemented in the enterprise at the most basic level, where activities such as the digitization of information, provide the enterprise new ways to access and share data across all business units. 

EA provides a clear set of work to map these technological mechanisms in response to business needs.
Digitalization initiatives are focused on delivering projects and employ technology to automate, optimize or modernize the business operations and processes of the enterprise.

Digital Business Transformation and Digital Transformation prevails relate to disruptive changes of new business models.

Digital Business Transformation and Digital Transformation initiatives span over entire organizations and enterprises.

Reference : DPBOK (A Standard of the Open Group)


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